Sunday, July 20, 2008

Mission Statement is a channel / blog to promote small things Burbank residents are & can do that can effect the planet in a positive way. If a lot of people make small changes it will result in something BIG. Most of these changes only require a change in thinking and require very little effort to do. An example of this would be to simply not use a straw in your drink when you go to a restaurant or not use a lid and straw at a fast food restaurant. Think it doesn’t matter? Our contemporary way of life is based on disposability , use something for a short time and throw it away. That straw will be around for thousands of years yet you only used for 30 minutes.

A more obvious choice is to use reusable bags instead of plastic ones when ever you shop - the problem there is remembering to use them!

Most of the ideas we have will have little or no monetary cost, in fact most changes actually save you money.

We intend to do this by starting small ourselves.

  • Producing short video pieces to showcase how Burbank and it’s residents are doing the green thing. These videos will also demonstrate things we can start to do that will help the planet. we hope to air them on Channel 6 on Charter Cable.
  • In addition the videos, along with a corresponding introduction/article, will be posted on the website. In order to post the videos on the net it will be uploaded to a video site such as youtube or where anyone can view it 24/7
Some upcoming videos we hope to do.

  • Some residents have planted vegetable gardens to grow some food
  • Some residents have removed their grass and planted drought tolerant yards

  • Things we can do at home, such as reduce our use of paper towels in the kitchen (saves you $$$)

  • Speak to a few folks who own a NEV (Neighborhood Electric Vehicle)and how they use it in 
We also hope to do some videos on what the city is up to with regards to it’s green agenda and some of it’s policies.

  • Do you know why the city does not accept styrofoam (#6) and why it is so bad?
  • Did you know the city offers free composting and water smart landscaping classes?

Check out our website and let us know what you think.

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